This cookie policy applies to all O2i Design Ltd owned and operated sites, and owned web pages that refer users to our services. Photo Courtesy of Daisy Anderson

O2i Design Ltd Customer Cookie Policy

What is O2i Design Ltd Cookie Policy

Our Cookie Policy forms part of our Privacy Policy. Our websites and apps use cookies and similar technologies to collect information about users’ activities, including browsing and purchasing behaviour. This includes information about pages viewed, products purchased, and customers’ journeys around our apps and websites. Detailed information is set out in our Cookie Policy. We use the term’ site’ to refer to websites and apps.

Which sites does this policy relate to? 

This policy applies to all O2i Design Ltd (“O2I DESIGN LTD”)- owned and operated sites, both in the UK and in the international territories in which we operate. This includes O2I DESIGN LTD-owned web pages that refer users to O2I DESIGN LTD branded products and services third-party organisations provide. Read More